Recommended Precautions
Live poultry can be a source of potentially harmful bacteria. The following are safe handling tips:
- Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water after handling poultry or anything in their environment.
- Clean poultry equipment frequently.
- Keep live poultry and their equipment outside of your home.
- Do not eat or drink around poultry or their environment.
- Supervise children when they handle poultry. Make sure that they do not put hands or fingers into their mouths.
- Young children under the age of five and those with weakened immune systems should be cautious when handling poultry.
- Do not nuzzle or kiss poultry.
Antibiotic Use in Poultry
Due to the decision by the FDA limiting the use of antibiotics for all livestock, including poultry, we have posted information on our
website regarding alternative treatment options. For additional information on this matter, don’t hesitate to call the office with
your questions or fill out our contact form.
Alternative Disease Treatment Information
Chick Nutritional Recommendations
Sunnyside Jumbo Broilers grow extremely fast and require a highquality
starter ration (23%) for their first 4 weeks, and a grower
ration (20% protein) for finishing. Mild feed restrictions, such as
allowing birds to run out of feed in the evening before feeding
again the next morning, may be necessary to help prevent leg
issues after 2 weeks of age. Broilers will eat constantly if given
the chance, so restricting feed will give them a chance to rest and
grow at a more reasonable rate.
All other types of chickens should be given a commercial starter
ration (20%+ protein) for their first 8 weeks, followed by a grower
ration (17% protein) until pullets are ready to lay. Read feed
labels closely and be sure you are feeding the appropriate type of
feed for the birds’ stage in life. It is recommended that all rations
include a coccidiostat to help prevent coccidiosis.
Management Tips for Baby Chicks
Make sure their environment is warmed up to 90° F upon their
arrival. The temperature can be reduced by 5° F per week until
you reach 70° F. Give your birds plenty of space and remember
that comfortable chicks will be spread out evenly under the light/
brooder. One 250-watt lamp for every 80 chicks, placed 18-24
inches off the floor, is a good rule of thumb.
Litter must remain clean and dry. Wood shavings, peat moss
and rice hulls work best. Avoid using newspapers and straw for
bedding as these can be susceptible to mold and can become
slippery, which may cause leg problems. Circulate fresh air in the
growing area to prevent ammonia build up. Young chicks can be
protected by a draft guard early on to protect them from being
Feed and water chicks immediately upon arrival. Provide at least
one gallon of water per 50 chicks. For best results, include a
vitamin and electrolyte powder in their water founts. A fine grade
grit may be sprinkled on top of their feed- this will aid in their
Duck Nutrition and Management
Feed ducklings a commercial, non-medicated waterfowl starter
for their first 3 to 4 weeks. If waterfowl starter is unavailable, a
high-protein, preferably non-medicated chick starter will do. By
week 8, protein in the ration should not exceed 15%, which is
adequate for finishing out ducks.
Ducklings need plenty of fresh, clean drinking water. Try to
prevent them from getting into their water source early on though,
as they can easily become chilled. Keep bedding dry and remove
wet spots as needed. Ducklings need more space than chicks,
but the same temperature recommendation applies. It is not
recommended to start ducklings with other types of fowl.
Turkey Nutrition and Management
Turkey poults should be provided a medicated, 28% protein
starter ration from day one through 8 weeks, and switched to
a 21% protein grower for weeks 9 through 16. Any turkeys fed
beyond 16 weeks should get a 16% protein finishing feed.
Start turkey poults under the same recommendations as baby
chicks. Poults will require twice the space of a day old chick
(including feeders and watering space) and are more sensitive
to temperature extremes and drafts than baby chicks. Turkeys
should be raised separately from chickens as many common
chicken diseases can be debilitating to turkeys.